Laudato Si Group

Inspired by Laudato Si

The Pope’s widely acclaimed encyclical Laudato Si is a call to Laudato si pictureall Christian communities, indeed to all people of good will, to care for the environment, our ‘sister Earth’. We should do so, not merely because human life depends on it, but also because our environment, in all its huge abundance and incredible diversity, is God’s loved creation.

Starting with a small group who studied and were inspired by Laudato Si, the English Speaking Community of the Parish of Notre Dame, encourages care of our environment both through the witness of small practical steps that are within our reach and by joining the wider Christian community in prayer and worship.

We work closely with the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Group of the Anglican community here in Luxembourg. The title of this group underlines that environmental issues and those of social justice are inextricably linked – a point repeatedly emphasised by Pope Francis in Laudato Si.

You can also see our own Archbishop, Mgr Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ talking (in French) about Integral Ecology here.

Latest news: The Diakonia group recently met to watch and review the film based on Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’ : The Letter.
An account of the evening can be read by downloading the document below.

Align your finances with your faith values

To mark  Laudato si’ week 2023 some members of our Diakonia group took park in a webinar entitled Align your finances with your faith values. You can access the presentation slides by clicking here

Further information on the Laudato Si’ movement and access to their resources platform are available by clicking here

Tree Planting activity

After our successful Evening of Hope Picture of trees(see below) we have decided to start a tree-planting activity within our community. This follows the conclusion of a recent study which shows that the most cost-effective and efficient way of reducing climate change is for people all over the world to plant billions of trees. Information about this study can be found here: Tree planting has ‘mind-blowing’ potential to tackle climate crisis

In Luxembourg itself a petition to the Chambre des Députés has been launched to set aside land for tree-planting. More information together with a link to the petition itself can be found here : 3 Million Trees for Luxembourg

If you would like to join a growing, world-wide tree-planting movement by getting involved in this local initiative, please contact either Steve McCarthy or Valérie Mersch using the email links at the bottom of this page. If you :

  • would be willing to roll up your sleeves and get physically involved,
  • know of plots of land, either in your own garden or elsewhere where we could plant trees,
  • or you would like to make a financial contribution to the cost of buying the trees etc.,

then do get in touch with us – whatever your age, though younger people will be particularly welcome!

Finally here is an excellent, more general website with information on how to tackle climate change in your own particular context: My Climate 

We describe some of our events below with the most recent first.

Four trees planted in Luxembourg city – 4th February 2020

Tree planting ancienne cote d'EichOn 4th February we planted four trees on a private piece of land behind a block of flats in Luxembourg city (the residents paid for the trees). This was intended to be an opportunity for the parish youth group, but their participation had to be cancelled because of threatened high winds. Nevertheless, the trees were there and needed to be planted so a small group of intrepid parishioners, together with several of the residents set about the work instead.

Happily the wind held off until the task was completed.

Youth group learns about Laudato Si and plants a tree in the Capucin Monastery garden

Tree planting 26 JanOn 26 January 2020 the Parish Youth Group met to discuss an initiative to combat climate change by planting trees –  in the spirit of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si.

We watched a video about Laudato Si which you can see: HERE , and another specifically about the difference that planting trees can make: HERE.

First Tree planting day 9 November 2019

Along with friends from the Anglican Parish more than twenty people came to plant eight trees on our first tree-planting day and then enjoyed a barbecue for lunch. The land was kindly made available by a couple who belong to the Anglican parish here in Luxembourg.

Here are some photos.

Evening of Hope eoh3 (768x1024)

Our Evening of Hope took place in the Capucins Monastery on 7 April 2019, with extracts from the film Demain, an illustrated talk on Pope Francis Encyclical Laudato Si, and suggestions for practical engagement. This was followed by Mass in the Church along the same theme. More than thirty people participated in the evening.

You can download Marcella’s report of the evening here: An Evening of Hope for the Planet – report

And/or download Steve’s slides here: Evening of hope

And/or download the list of environmental groups and activities in Luxembourg, compiled by Vladimir and Simon, here: Evening of hope – some contact addresses 

You can also listen to Fr Ed’s sermon at the Mass here.

Meeting Report

You can read my report of the meeting: ‘So you think you’re green: The environmental impact of our lifestyles’ here. (Stephen McCarthy)

For further information about the Laudato Si group

